Sermons, Talks, and Bible Discussion

The Bible is the most important collection of documents in the world. The sixty-six canonical books, in my view, are a gift of grace: God’s revelation to us. The Bible teaches about what is real. It is the means by which we know enough about who God is to worship, to love, and to obey Him. It is through the Biblical narrative that God has taught us about our origins, our identity, and our future.

I have a reverence for the Scriptures because they point me to God and show me – and all of us – how to live a fully human life.

Below, you’ll find a convenient list of the major posts on this site that are most directly related to the Bible. Many of these are the transcript of talks I have given at various churches or Christian fellowships.

For a more in-depth look at these topics, we have a number of book recommendations as well.

Sermons, talks, and reflections on the Bible:

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